Jun 11, 2018
How can we help new ostomates better adjust to their stoma? Megan Johnson, who you might better know as The Front Butt YouTuber, had a unique journey on the way to becoming a permanent ileostomate due to Crohn’s disease. Her experiences with the abysmal patient education material in the hospital after ostomy surgery sparked her desire to make accessible content that helps people adjust after surgery and “be comfortable in their own skin.”
This episode was recorded on location at HealtheVoices in Chicago, under challenging conditions, which is why the audio is less than pristine, but the content is extraordinarily compelling. Stick with it, and you’ll be glad you did!
Megan Johnson, The Front Butt YouTuber at:
Find Amber J Tresca at:
"About IBD with Amber Tresca" © Cooney Studio http://cooneystudio.com/
Additional audio engineering courtesy Mac Cooney https://www.facebook.com/michaelandrewcooney/